LEW-LAD RECORDS ..... ..... ..... ..... Artist / Talent Roster


Ital Conquorors

Ital Conquorors 

Ital … 

Ital refers to the natural vitality as it occurs within all life. 
The ‘I’… the personification of consciousness. The ‘Tal’ … the vital forces of nature. 

Ital speaks of the personal power of life and manifestation. 

Conquorors … 

The ability to rise above and grow beyond all of the challenges that confront us moment to moment. Not conquering as ‘Imperial colonialist’ usurping vitality for our personal ‘pockets’, but wielding our ‘Itality’ ….. in a way to conquer ….. fears, doubts, jealousies and selfishness. Along with anything else that would keep us down, hold us back and resist our growth through ‘Love and Compassion’, ‘Tolerance and Patience’, ‘Respect and Loyalty’. 

We share our music, to inspire all encountered, showing that they also, can be an ….                    Ital Conquoror

Thanks to Aima Moses and Kristen Mitchell for their contributions to the "High Leaf Riddim" . . . 
Yes They Cared . . . : )

H. I. Z. ( Ha Ish Zekeem )

   H. I. Z.  ( Ha Ish Zekeem ) is a Multi-Instrument Performing Producer and has been working through-out
the performing arts for multiple decades. Touring as a Solo Artist, as well as, sharing the stage with many
national and international artist. 

   Live performances using various instrumentation, along with pre-recorded material from his own
productions. H.I.Z. bring to mind, an awareness of our commonality, offering artistic works synthesised within
his own life experiences. 

   A unique blend of original compositions and material created by other artist that allows the audience and
performer to take a journey through heart and mind … beyond time.